Contact Us
Job 12:13 “To God belong wisdom and power; counsel and understanding are His.”For More Information or To Make An Appointment
Call our office at: (864) 414-5649
or fill out the form below.
Information or Appointment Request
From I-85 (North from Atlanta)
Take Exit 40 (Easley) and turn left onto HWY 153. Travel for about two miles to the second stop light.
- Turn left onto Hwy 81 at this light and travel about ½ mile where you will turn right onto Siloam Road. This is the first street after the Ingles gas station.
- Go to the stop sign at the end of Siloam Road and turn left. You will be on Powdersville Main Street.
- Turn into the church parking lot at the second entrance. You will see a sign with Siloam Baptist Church name on it, and the auditorium with the large steeple will be directly to your right.
- Park in this area and walk up the sidewalk by the large Weeping Willow Tree. Come to the breezeway at the back of the auditorium and go into the left wing of the church. Our waiting area is the large conference room on the right.
From I-85 (South from Greenville)
Take Exit 40 (Easley) and turn right onto HWY 153. Travel for about two miles to the second stop light.
- Turn left onto Hwy 81 at this light and travel about ½ mile where you will turn right onto Siloam Road. This is the first street after the Ingles gas station.
- Go to the stop sign at the end of Siloam Road and turn left. You will be on Powdersville Main Street.
- Turn into the church parking lot at the second entrance. You will see a sign with Siloam Baptist Church name on it, and the auditorium with the large steeple will be directly to your right.
- Park in this area and walk up the sidewalk by the large Weeping Willow Tree. Come to the breezeway at the back of the auditorium and go into the left wing of the church. Our waiting area is the large conference room on the right.
From Easley
Take HWY 153 towards I-85 and travel approximately 4 miles until you come to HWY 81.
- Turn right onto Hwy 81 at this light and travel about ½ mile where you will turn right onto Siloam Road. This is the first street after the Ingles gas station.
- Go to the stop sign at the end of Siloam Road and turn left. You will be on Powdersville Main Street.
- Turn into the church parking lot at the second entrance. You will see a sign with Siloam Baptist Church name on it, and the auditorium with the large steeple will be directly to your right.
- Park in this area and walk up the sidewalk by the large Weeping Willow Tree. Come to the breezeway at the back of the auditorium and go into the left wing of the church. Our waiting area is the large conference room on the right.

Visit Our Office Location
LOCATION Siloam Baptist Church 229 Siloam Road Easley, SC 29642
MAILING ADDRESS PMB #105 3504 Highway 153 Greenville, SC 29611
Office Location
Visit Us At:
Siloam Baptist Church
229 Siloam Road
Easley, SC 29642
Office: (864) 414-5649